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500 N. Washington St, Suite 301: Alexandria, VA 22314

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(877) 246-2874

Hosted VoIP Services in Washington, DC, Virginia & Maryland

Hosted VoIP – expect more from your phone system for less!

Hosted VoIP – more from your phone system for less!

Matrix MSP offers high quality cloud VoIP service as a part of our cloud partnerships. This offering can empower a business to take advantage of remote work capabilities and possibly cut the cost of phone hardware as you move away from a traditional phone system to a software-based one.  

Since voice and data traffic uses a single internet connection, you can eliminate old style analog phone lines, the bulky equipment that comes with it and the service attached. With VoIP technology and an internet connection, you can take your phone and extension with you anywhere in the world at any time.

You pay one flat fee per extension, per month. It is that simple.  If you want to add an employee with an extension, we can ship a phone to you and you pay for that extension or you can load up the phone software and be off and running.  If you need to scale down, you ship the phone back and the bill goes down. These services are usually coupled with our Managed IT Services solutions in Alexandria, VA, Maryland, and Washington, DC for all-inclusive flat-fee month to month pricing.

Hosted VoIP

Transform your Business with Hosted VoIP


Weather your employees are at the office or on the go, allow them to access their business phone from anywhere, at anytime. 

Our managed IT services are tailored to meet the demands of your business.

4 Immediate Cost Savings with Hosted VoIP

1. Consolidated phone systems

If your business is looking to expand to additional locations or already operates from more than one building. VoIP can help consolidate many phone-based services into one single platform. This means there is no need to have appointment scheduling at more than one locations.

2. High Flexibility

Whether you need to work from home or are on a business trip you can log in to your business phone and have the same benefits as if you were at the office. When you make an outbound call or receive one it will be as if you were working from your desk at the office.

3. Eliminate Phone Wiring

Your VoIP phone system uses your existing internet cabling. This means you can drop your current telephone provider and your phone will use the same internet connection as your computer. When you need to add another employee you only need one internet cable drop for the computer and your phone device.

4. Scalable - Pay as you grow

With our VoIP solution you have the ability to add/remove users very simply. When your business is growing you can add and replace services rapidly with ease. At the same time if you are looking to eliminate some people and cut cost, you can easily remove users which will reflect on your next bill.


Matrix MSP Provides IT Service Excellence


We deliver value to our clients in Alexandria, VA, Maryland, and Washington, DC by focusing on proactive management, IT strategy and continued support. This allows you to focus on business functions that drive efficiency and profitability.

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